Source code for invenio_files_rest.views

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
# Copyright (C) 2015-2019 CERN.
# Copyright (C) 2022 Graz University of Technology.
# Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details.

"""Files download/upload REST API similar to S3 for Invenio."""

import uuid
from functools import partial, wraps
from urllib.parse import parse_qsl

from flask import Blueprint, abort, current_app, request
from flask_login import current_user
from invenio_db import db
from invenio_rest import ContentNegotiatedMethodView
from marshmallow import missing
from webargs import fields
from webargs.flaskparser import use_kwargs

from .errors import (
from .models import Bucket, MultipartObject, ObjectVersion, ObjectVersionTag, Part
from .proxies import current_files_rest, current_permission_factory
from .serializer import json_serializer
from .signals import file_deleted, file_downloaded, file_uploaded
from .tasks import merge_multipartobject, remove_file_data

blueprint = Blueprint(

# Helpers
[docs]def as_uuid(value): """Convert value to UUID.""" try: return uuid.UUID(value) except ValueError: abort(404)
[docs]def minsize_validator(value): """Validate Content-Length header. :raises invenio_files_rest.errors.FileSizeError: If the value is less than :data:`invenio_files_rest.config.FILES_REST_MIN_FILE_SIZE` size. """ if value < current_app.config["FILES_REST_MIN_FILE_SIZE"]: raise FileSizeError()
[docs]def invalid_subresource_validator(value): """Ensure subresource.""" abort(405)
[docs]def validate_tag(key, value): """Validate a tag. Keys must be less than 128 chars and values must be less than 256 chars. """ # Note, parse_sql does not include a keys if the value is an empty string # (e.g. 'key=&test=a'), and thus technically we should not get strings # which have zero length. klen = len(key) vlen = len(value) return klen > 0 and klen < 256 and vlen > 0 and vlen < 256
[docs]def parse_header_tags(): """Parse tags specified in the HTTP request header.""" # Get the value of the custom HTTP header and interpret it as an query # string qs = request.headers.get(current_app.config["FILES_REST_FILE_TAGS_HEADER"], "") tags = {} for key, value in parse_qsl(qs): # Check for duplicate keys if key in tags: raise DuplicateTagError() # Check for too short/long keys and values. if not validate_tag(key, value): raise InvalidTagError() tags[key] = value return tags or None
# # Part upload factories #
[docs]@use_kwargs( { "part_number": fields.Int( metadata={ "load_from": "partNumber", "location": "query", }, required=True, data_key="partNumber", ), "content_length": fields.Int( metadata={ "load_from": "Content-Length", "location": "headers", }, required=True, validate=minsize_validator, data_key="Content-Length", ), "content_type": fields.Str( metadata={ "load_from": "Content-Type", "location": "headers", }, data_key="Content-Type", ), "content_md5": fields.Str( metadata={ "load_from": "Content-MD5", "location": "headers", }, data_key="Content-MD5", ), } ) def default_partfactory( part_number=None, content_length=None, content_type=None, content_md5=None ): """Get default part factory. :param part_number: The part number. (Default: ``None``) :param content_length: The content length. (Default: ``None``) :param content_type: The HTTP Content-Type. (Default: ``None``) :param content_md5: The content MD5. (Default: ``None``) :returns: The content length, the part number, the stream, the content type, MD5 of the content. """ return content_length, part_number,, content_type, content_md5, None
[docs]@use_kwargs( { "content_md5": fields.Str( metadata={ "load_from": "Content-MD5", "location": "headers", }, data_key="Content-MD5", load_default=None, ), "content_length": fields.Int( metadata={ "load_from": "Content-Length", "location": "headers", }, data_key="Content-Length", required=True, validate=minsize_validator, ), "content_type": fields.Str( metadata={ "load_from": "Content-Type", "location": "headers", }, data_key="Content-Type", load_default="", ), } ) def stream_uploadfactory(content_md5=None, content_length=None, content_type=None): """Get default put factory. If Content-Type is ``'multipart/form-data'`` then the stream is aborted. :param content_md5: The content MD5. (Default: ``None``) :param content_length: The content length. (Default: ``None``) :param content_type: The HTTP Content-Type. (Default: ``None``) :returns: The stream, content length, MD5 of the content. """ if content_type.startswith("multipart/form-data"): abort(422) return, content_length, content_md5, parse_header_tags()
[docs]@use_kwargs( { "part_number": fields.Int( metadata={ "load_from": "_chunkNumber", "location": "form", }, data_key="_chunkNumber", required=True, ), "content_length": fields.Int( metadata={ "load_from": "_currentChunkSize", "location": "form", }, data_key="_currentChunkSize", required=True, validate=minsize_validator, ), "uploaded_file": fields.Raw( metadata={ "load_from": "file", "location": "files", }, data_key="file", required=True, ), } ) def ngfileupload_partfactory(part_number=None, content_length=None, uploaded_file=None): """Part factory for ng-file-upload. :param part_number: The part number. (Default: ``None``) :param content_length: The content length. (Default: ``None``) :param uploaded_file: The upload request. (Default: ``None``) :returns: The content length, part number, stream, HTTP Content-Type header. """ return ( content_length, part_number,, uploaded_file.headers.get("Content-Type"), None, None, )
[docs]@use_kwargs( { "content_length": fields.Int( metadata={ "load_from": "_totalSize", "location": "form", }, data_key="_totalSize", required=True, ), "content_type": fields.Str( metadata={ "load_from": "Content-Type", "location": "headers", }, data_key="Content-Type", required=True, ), "uploaded_file": fields.Raw( metadata={ "load_from": "file", "location": "files", }, data_key="file", required=True, ), } ) def ngfileupload_uploadfactory( content_length=None, content_type=None, uploaded_file=None ): """Get default put factory. If Content-Type is ``'multipart/form-data'`` then the stream is aborted. :param content_length: The content length. (Default: ``None``) :param content_type: The HTTP Content-Type. (Default: ``None``) :param uploaded_file: The upload request. (Default: ``None``) :param file_tags_header: The file tags. (Default: ``None``) :returns: A tuple containing stream, content length, and empty header. """ if not content_type.startswith("multipart/form-data"): abort(422) return, content_length, None, parse_header_tags()
# # Object retrieval #
[docs]def pass_bucket(f): """Decorate to retrieve a bucket.""" @wraps(f) def decorate(*args, **kwargs): bucket_id = kwargs.pop("bucket_id") bucket = Bucket.get(as_uuid(bucket_id)) if not bucket: abort(404, "Bucket does not exist.") return f(bucket=bucket, *args, **kwargs) return decorate
[docs]def pass_multipart(with_completed=False): """Decorate to retrieve an object.""" def decorate(f): @wraps(f) def inner(self, bucket, key, upload_id, *args, **kwargs): obj = MultipartObject.get( bucket, key, upload_id, with_completed=with_completed ) if obj is None: abort(404, "uploadId does not exists.") return f(self, obj, *args, **kwargs) return inner return decorate
[docs]def ensure_input_stream_is_not_exhausted(f): """Make sure that the input stream has not been read already.""" @wraps(f) def decorate(*args, **kwargs): if request.content_length and raise ExhaustedStreamError() return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorate
# # Permission checking #
[docs]def check_permission(permission, hidden=True): """Check if permission is allowed. If permission fails then the connection is aborted. :param permission: The permission to check. :param hidden: Determine if a 404 error (``True``) or 401/403 error (``False``) should be returned if the permission is rejected (i.e. hide or reveal the existence of a particular object). """ if permission is not None and not permission.can(): if hidden: abort(404) else: if current_user.is_authenticated: abort(403, "You do not have a permission for this action") abort(401)
[docs]def need_permissions(object_getter, action, hidden=True): """Get permission for buckets or abort. :param object_getter: The function used to retrieve the object and pass it to the permission factory. :param action: The action needed. :param hidden: Determine which kind of error to return. (Default: ``True``) """ def decorator_builder(f): @wraps(f) def decorate(*args, **kwargs): check_permission( current_permission_factory( object_getter(*args, **kwargs), action(*args, **kwargs) if callable(action) else action, ), hidden=hidden, ) return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorate return decorator_builder
need_location_permission = partial( need_permissions, lambda *args, **kwargs: kwargs.get("location") ) need_bucket_permission = partial( need_permissions, lambda *args, **kwargs: kwargs.get("bucket") ) # # REST resources #
[docs]class LocationResource(ContentNegotiatedMethodView): """Service resource.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Instantiate content negotiated view.""" super(LocationResource, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @need_location_permission("location-update", hidden=False) def post(self): """Create bucket.""" with db.session.begin_nested(): bucket = Bucket.create() db.session.commit() return self.make_response( data=bucket, context={ "class": Bucket, }, )
[docs]class BucketResource(ContentNegotiatedMethodView): """Bucket item resource.""" get_args = { "versions": fields.Raw( metadata={"location": "query"}, ), "uploads": fields.Raw( metadata={"location": "query"}, ), } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Instantiate content negotiated view.""" super(BucketResource, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @need_permissions(lambda self, bucket: bucket, "bucket-listmultiparts") def multipart_listuploads(self, bucket): """List objects in a bucket. :param bucket: A :class:`invenio_files_rest.models.Bucket` instance. :returns: The Flask response. """ return self.make_response( data=MultipartObject.query_by_bucket(bucket).limit(1000).all(), context={ "class": MultipartObject, "bucket": bucket, "many": True, }, )
[docs] @need_permissions( lambda self, bucket, versions: bucket, "bucket-read", ) def listobjects(self, bucket, versions): """List objects in a bucket. :param bucket: A :class:`invenio_files_rest.models.Bucket` instance. :returns: The Flask response. """ if versions is not missing: check_permission( current_permission_factory(bucket, "bucket-read-versions"), hidden=False ) return self.make_response( data=ObjectVersion.get_by_bucket(, versions=versions is not missing ) .limit(1000) .all(), context={ "class": ObjectVersion, "bucket": bucket, "many": True, }, )
[docs] @use_kwargs(get_args) @pass_bucket def get(self, bucket=None, versions=missing, uploads=missing): """Get list of objects in the bucket. :param bucket: A :class:`invenio_files_rest.models.Bucket` instance. :returns: The Flask response. """ if uploads is not missing: return self.multipart_listuploads(bucket) else: return self.listobjects(bucket, versions)
[docs] @pass_bucket @need_bucket_permission("bucket-read") def head(self, bucket=None, **kwargs): """Check the existence of the bucket."""
[docs]class ObjectResource(ContentNegotiatedMethodView): """Object item resource.""" delete_args = { "version_id": fields.UUID( metadata={ "load_from": "versionId", "location": "query", }, data_key="versionId", load_default=None, ), "upload_id": fields.UUID( metadata={ "load_from": "uploadId", "location": "query", }, data_key="uploadId", load_default=None, ), "uploads": fields.Raw( metadata={ "location": "query", }, validate=invalid_subresource_validator, ), } get_args = dict( delete_args, download=fields.Raw( metadata={ "location": "query", }, load_default=None, ), ) post_args = { "uploads": fields.Raw( metadata={ "location": "query", } ), "upload_id": fields.UUID( metadata={ "location": "query", "load_from": "uploadId", }, data_key="uploadId", load_default=None, ), } put_args = { "upload_id": fields.UUID( metadata={ "location": "query", "load_from": "uploadId", }, data_key="uploadId", load_default=None, ), } multipart_init_args = { "size": fields.Int( metadata={ "locations": ("query", "json"), }, load_default=None, ), "part_size": fields.Int( metadata={ "locations": ("query", "json"), "load_from": "partSize", }, load_default=None, data_key="partSize", ), } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Instantiate content negotiated view.""" super(ObjectResource, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # # ObjectVersion helpers #
[docs] @staticmethod def check_object_permission(obj): """Retrieve object and abort if it doesn't exists.""" check_permission(current_permission_factory(obj, "object-read")) if not obj.is_head: check_permission( current_permission_factory(obj, "object-read-version"), hidden=False )
[docs] @classmethod def get_object(cls, bucket, key, version_id): """Retrieve object and abort if it doesn't exist. If the file is not found, the connection is aborted and the 404 error is returned. :param bucket: The bucket (instance or id) to get the object from. :param key: The file key. :param version_id: The version ID. :returns: A :class:`invenio_files_rest.models.ObjectVersion` instance. """ obj = ObjectVersion.get(bucket, key, version_id=version_id) if not obj: abort(404, "Object does not exists.") cls.check_object_permission(obj) return obj
[docs] def create_object(self, bucket, key): """Create a new object. :param bucket: The bucket (instance or id) to get the object from. :param key: The file key. :returns: A Flask response. """ # Initial validation of size based on Content-Length. # User can tamper with Content-Length, so this is just an initial up # front check. The storage subsystem must validate the size limit as # well. stream, content_length, content_md5, tags = current_files_rest.upload_factory() size_limit = bucket.size_limit if content_length and size_limit and content_length > size_limit: desc = ( "File size limit exceeded." if isinstance(size_limit, int) else size_limit.reason ) raise FileSizeError(description=desc) with db.session.begin_nested(): obj = ObjectVersion.create(bucket, key) obj.set_contents(stream, size=content_length, size_limit=size_limit) # Check add tags if tags: for key, value in tags.items(): ObjectVersionTag.create(obj, key, value) db.session.commit() file_uploaded.send(current_app._get_current_object(), obj=obj) return self.make_response( data=obj, context={ "class": ObjectVersion, "bucket": bucket, }, etag=obj.file.checksum, )
[docs] @need_permissions( lambda self, bucket, obj, *args: obj, "object-delete", hidden=False, # Because get_object permission check has already run ) def delete_object(self, bucket, obj, version_id): """Delete an existing object. :param bucket: The bucket (instance or id) to get the object from. :param obj: A :class:`invenio_files_rest.models.ObjectVersion` instance. :param version_id: The version ID. :returns: A Flask response. """ if version_id is None: # Create a delete marker. with db.session.begin_nested(): ObjectVersion.delete(bucket, obj.key) else: # Permanently delete specific object version. check_permission( current_permission_factory(bucket, "object-delete-version"), hidden=False, ) obj.remove() # Set newest object as head if obj.is_head: latest = ObjectVersion.get_versions( obj.bucket, obj.key, desc=True ).first() if latest: latest.is_head = True if obj.file_id: remove_file_data.delay(str(obj.file_id)) db.session.commit() file_deleted.send(current_app._get_current_object(), obj=obj) return self.make_response("", 204)
[docs] @staticmethod def send_object( bucket, obj, expected_chksum=None, logger_data=None, restricted=True, as_attachment=False, ): """Send an object for a given bucket. :param bucket: The bucket (instance or id) to get the object from. :param obj: A :class:`invenio_files_rest.models.ObjectVersion` instance. :params expected_chksum: Expected checksum. :param logger_data: The python logger. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to ``Object.send_file()`` :returns: A Flask response. """ if not obj.is_head: check_permission( current_permission_factory(obj, "object-read-version"), hidden=False ) if expected_chksum and obj.file.checksum != expected_chksum: current_app.logger.warning( "File checksum mismatch detected.", extra=logger_data ) file_downloaded.send(current_app._get_current_object(), obj=obj) return obj.send_file(restricted=restricted, as_attachment=as_attachment)
# # MultipartObject helpers #
[docs] @pass_multipart(with_completed=True) @need_permissions(lambda self, multipart: multipart, "multipart-read") def multipart_listparts(self, multipart): """Get parts of a multipart upload. :param multipart: A :class:`invenio_files_rest.models.MultipartObject` instance. :returns: A Flask response. """ return self.make_response( data=Part.query_by_multipart(multipart) .order_by(Part.part_number) .limit(1000) .all(), context={ "class": Part, "multipart": multipart, "many": True, }, )
[docs] @use_kwargs(multipart_init_args) def multipart_init(self, bucket, key, size=None, part_size=None): """Initialize a multipart upload. :param bucket: The bucket (instance or id) to get the object from. :param key: The file key. :param size: The total size. :param part_size: The part size. :raises invenio_files_rest.errors.MissingQueryParameter: If size or part_size are not defined. :returns: A Flask response. """ if size is None: raise MissingQueryParameter("size") if part_size is None: raise MissingQueryParameter("partSize") multipart = MultipartObject.create(bucket, key, size, part_size) db.session.commit() return self.make_response( data=multipart, context={ "class": MultipartObject, "bucket": bucket, }, )
[docs] @pass_multipart(with_completed=True) def multipart_uploadpart(self, multipart): """Upload a part. :param multipart: A :class:`invenio_files_rest.models.MultipartObject` instance. :returns: A Flask response. """ ( content_length, part_number, stream, content_type, content_md5, tags, ) = current_files_rest.multipart_partfactory() if content_length: ck = ( multipart.last_part_size if part_number == multipart.last_part_number else multipart.chunk_size ) if ck != content_length: raise MultipartInvalidChunkSize() # Create part try: p = Part.get_or_create(multipart, part_number) p.set_contents(stream) db.session.commit() except Exception: # We remove the Part since incomplete data may have been written to # disk (e.g. client closed connection etc.) so it must be # reuploaded. db.session.rollback() Part.delete(multipart, part_number) raise return self.make_response( data=p, context={ "class": Part, }, etag=p.checksum, )
[docs] @pass_multipart(with_completed=True) def multipart_complete(self, multipart): """Complete a multipart upload. :param multipart: A :class:`invenio_files_rest.models.MultipartObject` instance. :returns: A Flask response. """ multipart.complete() db.session.commit() version_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) return self.make_response( data=multipart, context={ "class": MultipartObject, "bucket": multipart.bucket, "object_version_id": version_id, }, # This will wait for the result, and send whitespace on the # connection until the task has finished (or max timeout reached). task_result=merge_multipartobject.delay( str(multipart.upload_id), version_id=version_id, ), )
[docs] @pass_multipart() @need_permissions( lambda self, multipart: multipart, "multipart-delete", ) def multipart_delete(self, multipart): """Abort a multipart upload. :param multipart: A :class:`invenio_files_rest.models.MultipartObject` instance. :returns: A Flask response. """ multipart.delete() db.session.commit() if multipart.file_id: remove_file_data.delay(str(multipart.file_id)) return self.make_response("", 204)
# # HTTP methods implementations #
[docs] @use_kwargs(get_args) @pass_bucket def get( self, bucket=None, key=None, version_id=None, upload_id=None, uploads=None, download=None, ): """Get object or list parts of a multipart upload. :param bucket: The bucket (instance or id) to get the object from. (Default: ``None``) :param key: The file key. (Default: ``None``) :param version_id: The version ID. (Default: ``None``) :param upload_id: The upload ID. (Default: ``None``) :param download: The download flag. (Default: ``None``) :returns: A Flask response. """ if upload_id: return self.multipart_listparts(bucket, key, upload_id) else: obj = self.get_object(bucket, key, version_id) if current_app.config["FILES_REST_XSENDFILE_ENABLED"]: response_constructor = current_app.config[ "FILES_REST_XSENDFILE_RESPONSE_FUNC" ] return response_constructor(obj) # If 'download' is missing from query string it will have # the value None. return self.send_object(bucket, obj, as_attachment=download is not None)
[docs] @use_kwargs(post_args) @pass_bucket @need_bucket_permission("bucket-update") @ensure_input_stream_is_not_exhausted def post(self, bucket=None, key=None, uploads=missing, upload_id=None): """Upload a new object or start/complete a multipart upload. :param bucket: The bucket (instance or id) to get the object from. (Default: ``None``) :param key: The file key. (Default: ``None``) :param upload_id: The upload ID. (Default: ``None``) :returns: A Flask response. """ if uploads is not missing: return self.multipart_init(bucket, key) elif upload_id is not None: return self.multipart_complete(bucket, key, upload_id) abort(403)
[docs] @use_kwargs(put_args) @pass_bucket @need_bucket_permission("bucket-update") @ensure_input_stream_is_not_exhausted def put(self, bucket=None, key=None, upload_id=None): """Update a new object or upload a part of a multipart upload. :param bucket: The bucket (instance or id) to get the object from. (Default: ``None``) :param key: The file key. (Default: ``None``) :param upload_id: The upload ID. (Default: ``None``) :returns: A Flask response. """ if upload_id is not None: return self.multipart_uploadpart(bucket, key, upload_id) else: return self.create_object(bucket, key)
[docs] @use_kwargs(delete_args) @pass_bucket def delete( self, bucket=None, key=None, version_id=None, upload_id=None, uploads=None ): """Delete an object or abort a multipart upload. :param bucket: The bucket (instance or id) to get the object from. (Default: ``None``) :param key: The file key. (Default: ``None``) :param version_id: The version ID. (Default: ``None``) :param upload_id: The upload ID. (Default: ``None``) :returns: A Flask response. """ if upload_id is not None: return self.multipart_delete(bucket, key, upload_id) else: obj = self.get_object(bucket, key, version_id) return self.delete_object(bucket, obj, version_id)
# # Blueprint definition # location_view = LocationResource.as_view( "location_api", serializers={ "application/json": json_serializer, }, ) bucket_view = BucketResource.as_view( "bucket_api", serializers={ "application/json": json_serializer, }, ) object_view = ObjectResource.as_view( "object_api", serializers={ "application/json": json_serializer, }, ) blueprint.add_url_rule( "", view_func=location_view, ) blueprint.add_url_rule( "/<string:bucket_id>", view_func=bucket_view, ) blueprint.add_url_rule( "/<string:bucket_id>/<path:key>", view_func=object_view, )