Source code for invenio_files_rest.limiters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
# Copyright (C) 2016-2019 CERN.
# Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details.

"""File size limiting functionality for Invenio-Files-REST."""

[docs]def file_size_limiters(bucket): """Get default file size limiters. :param bucket: The :class:`invenio_files_rest.models.Bucket` instance. :returns: A list containing an instance of :class:`invenio_files_rest.limiters.FileSizeLimit` with quota left value and description and another one with max file size value and description. """ return [ FileSizeLimit( bucket.quota_left, "Bucket quota exceeded.", ), FileSizeLimit( bucket.max_file_size, "Maximum file size exceeded.", ), ]
[docs]class FileSizeLimit(object): """File size limiter.""" not_implemented_error = NotImplementedError( "FileSizeLimit supports only comparisons with integers and other " "FileSizeLimits." ) def __init__(self, limit, reason): """Instantiate a new file size limit. :param limit: The imposed imposed limit. :param reason: The limit description. """ self.limit = limit self.reason = reason def __lt__(self, other): """Check if this limit is less than the other one.""" if isinstance(other, int): return self.limit < other elif isinstance(other, FileSizeLimit): return self.limit < other.limit raise self.not_implemented_error def __gt__(self, other): """Check if this limit is greater than the other one.""" if isinstance(other, int): return self.limit > other elif isinstance(other, FileSizeLimit): return self.limit > other.limit raise self.not_implemented_error def __eq__(self, other): """Check for equality.""" if isinstance(other, int): return self.limit == other elif isinstance(other, FileSizeLimit): return self.limit == other.limit raise self.not_implemented_error